If You Made An Apple Pie Bed, You Had To Sleep In It

Apple pie beds when I was in college, were called short sheets. It looked like any other bed, smooth, with sickly corners and a pillow in the middle of one end. You could flip a coin on the top cover. But it wasn’t what it looked like.

Whoever made the bed cheated? The top sheet, which went all the way to the foot of the bed, was folded over halfway. This meant that the top and bottom sheets were in one piece.

Such pranks were fun for the participants and sometimes worked. But most of the time it didn’t. The reason was that the victim simply wanted a good night’s sleep.

What does this have to do with contractors? It’s very simple. Few businesses have sufficient resources, and this is especially true for new businesses. Here are three ways contractors can create an “apple pie” for the people they meet.

1. By promoting the product as more than what it really is.

This is especially true in the jewelry industry. If you look at pictures in magazines, you see a ring with a large stone on it. You think it’s probably a carat size. However, you see a two-dot inscription that indicates the photo is not the actual size. For those who can no longer read such small letters, the magazine does have such an indication. And the size is indicated in a system that is not familiar to the reader. Only when the customer receives the product is everything done correctly.

2. Selling simultaneous guarantees.

This is a practice that I believe should be outlawed. All products come with a warranty – 90 days for some, even two years for others. For example, if you buy a two-year extended warranty, you are not told that it is only good for two years, regardless of the length of the warranty that comes with the product. This means you will have to pay twice for the same coverage.

3. Not informing the company that the delivery of the ordered product will be later than expected.

There was a time when you could expect an early courtesy call from your supplier. Now, you’re just lucky if you get a call.

If you have these methods in your company’s arsenal, you know who to hold accountable when people who depend on your company decide to switch suppliers.

About Author:

Sara has completed her education in marketing and started her career as a digital marketer. She is a content writer by profession. And she would love to add multiple things to her knowledge that she can add to her writing style. She writes about the best apples for pie Canada.