How To Determine Fault In A Car Accident Case?

Car accidents are caused by the negligence of one driver who is distracted by something or someone. Most car accidents occur due to overspeeding and not following traffic rules. If you or your loved one has been in a serious car accident and you do not know how to determine whose fault caused the accident, then hiring a reputable car accident lawyer can help you with the case. 

Determining fault in an accident is a technical process and you can not blame someone without proof. A lawyer will take you through a legal journey of determining liability and fault. Here are six key factors that lawyers consider while determining the fault of the accident.

1. Assessing Police Reports

The first step to take when determining the fault of the accident is to check the police report. After an accident, the police arrive at the site of the accident and they record all the facts. Police officers arriving at the site of the accident often write a detailed report including witness statements, parties involved in the accident, and often their assessment of the party at fault. 

This comprehensive report can be an important tool in assessing and visualizing the accident scene. This visualization can help you find the real culprit. 

2. Talking To The Eyewitnesses

You should talk to the eyewitnesses as well to understand what happened at the accident site. Statements from independent witnesses who observed the accident are an important tool for determining the fault of the accident. 

Your lawyer should talk to these witnesses in detail and assess the situation. This crucial information can help you find the actual culprit behind the accident. 

3. Check Traffic Violations

Your personal injury attorney can also help you get access to traffic management. You can assess any traffic violations near the site of the accident at the time the accident occurred. These reports are essential when you are injured in a hit-and-run case. 

Traffic police can access traffic violations and relate possible culprits. They will check for signal violations, speeding limits, and improper lane changes. All this information is important to find the party at fault. 

4. Reconstruction Of The Accident

All the information provided by eyewitnesses, police reports, and traffic police reports can help you and your lawyer reconstruct the accident scene. You can replay the whole scenario and find ways to prove which driver was at fault. 

Your lawyer can determine the speed, impact angle, and other important factors that can help you find out the cause of the accident

5. Driver’s Statement And Admission

One of the easiest ways to find the party at fault is to talk to the drivers and make them admit it. However, this is not as easy as it seems. Mostly, when police find it difficult to determine the cause of the accident, one party runs away from the scene. 

Moreover, most drivers do not admit their fault because of the serious legal repercussions they have to face. Therefore, serious interrogation is often required to find the responsible party.