Fingerprinting is essential in Palm Beach, Florida, because, without it, you may not be able to get any license or certification, especially the ones needed to carry out business transactions. Since everybody’s Fingerprint is unique, it is used for background checks and to determine whether an individual has a criminal record during a job application.
If you are looking for certification in Florida, submitting your Fingerprint is unavoidable. You will not be certified unless a background check has been conducted and there are no prior criminal charges. All fingerprints are submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) for approval.
Many locations offer fingerprinting services in Palm Beach Garden, Florida, including the police department. In fact, it would be best if you employ their services. Although there are different fingerprinting methods, the most preferred is the electronic method.
Steps to getting your Fingerprint Taken
If you are finally getting your Fingerprint taken, here are the steps you need to take
Step 1: First, you need an ORI number. This can be provided by the licensing or regulatory body that needs your background evaluated.
Step 2: After you’ve obtained your ORI number, then you can book an appointment with your preferred agency. Go online to apply, after which you will choose a preferred date, location, and time. You should receive an email confirming your location. Before your chosen date, be sure to go through the pricing section to know how much you will be paying for the service
Step 3: Go to your chosen location on the set date and time. Be sure to come along with any government-issued identification, social security number, and a form of payment. There are two fingerprinting methods available –ink-and-roll and Electronic fingerprinting.
In the inkpad method, all your fingers are pressed on an ink pad, then unto a paper card. Your information is then submitted with the card, although this method is no longer used. While electronic fingerprinting, also known as live scan, requires you to place your hand on a scanner which creates a digital image of your fingerprints.
The resultant image is then submitted with the information provided. This method of fingerprinting is faster, cheaper, and more accurate.
Step 4: After about 5 business days, your result would be forwarded to you and the licensing body that requested it.
Why Electronic fingerprinting is better
Electronic fingerprinting is now the most wildly used method of fingerprinting. This is because this method is faster, easier, cheaper, and more accurate. The best part is, you can get it done anywhere, provided that it’s still within the state line.
For example, if you are applying for a Job in palm beach and you are in Delray, All you need to do is go to any agency or location with an electronic fingerprinting service in Delray Beach, Florida and get your Fingerprint taken. The result will then be forwarded to the requesting body.
However, the only downside to this method is that results can only be used within the state and not outside it.