MBBS Study in China
Nursing is also usually very closely related to medical education, as it is understood that a physician’s job entails a great deal of responsibility and commitment. For this reason, a doctor’s degree must be well qualified, giving them the maximum amount of knowledge, skills, and abilities to treat patients.
China is an important option for medical and nursing studies. Before going into the details of support, let us first discuss the basic requirements that must be met to study MBBS Admission in China. First, an Abitur or equivalent degree is required, especially for foreign students. In addition, in order to be admitted to a Chinese university, you must take the Medical Interest Test, an aptitude test to further assess your interest and ability in the study of human physiology.
In addition, medical education in China is basically divided into preclinical and post-clinical programs, and in the preclinical program, students must take a nursing education program, which is usually an internship. This is mainly to gain a little experience and practical knowledge. The second part is to take an exam and pass it satisfactorily in order to prove your competence in medical matters.
At least 4 months of internship is required before entering the second part, which is very important because the second part is thoroughly tested by oral and written examinations. The exam at the end of Part 2 is the most important, as passing this exam earns credits. These credits are essential for admission to the final internship year, which is 16-week training in surgery, internal medicine, and other specialties.
Finally, international students coming to China for medical or other education should have a good understanding of German. By doing so, they can take advantage of as many opportunities as possible. It also helps when writing some government evaluation programs. It is worth noting that medical or nursing degrees from China are very well recognized and accepted in several European countries. Studying in China will definitely benefit your career!
Study Feed, as your China consultant in Pak, will help you make the right choice for your career. We understand the value of higher education and the impact it can have on a person’s life. That is why we guarantee to give you the right advice on all different courses, especially nursing and medicine in China, with complete information and details. Medical Education Visits in China