Fast Fashion in a Disposable Society

Have ever wondered why the manufacturers and designers of clothes and accessories constantly push the latest trends and fashions? This phenomenon of capitalism is known as fast fashion and has been a menace to the fashion industry, the economy and the environment for a long time.

Fast fashion is where designs are created to capitalize on trends to make money, moving from the sketchpad to the retail store in as little as one month. You can see how inundating the market with fashion within such a short period can result in poor quality. Additionally, low-quality products and processes are employed to ensure that prices are affordable enough to make them attractive.

Fashion is focused on satisfying the public’s desire to be on the lookout for fashion. Because the public is a bit erratic and fashions change often and frequently, fast fashions has gained a lot of popularity. But it comes with several drawbacks that are driving consumers to buy more expensive handbags made by hand and other leather items.

Leather and hemp-quality handbags, as well as products made by hand in the US, are in high demand. There are many reasons why fast fashion is heading away from the scene and premium leather goods are now being sought-after.

Make a connection to your leather products

Have you ever witnessed an old motorcycle rider take from his leather vest, displaying its shiny patina? What about an elderly woman grabbing the leather bag she wore during her youthful journeys? Reminiscing smiles and contentment reveal the connection people feel with the leather products that helped them through their lives.

It would be great to feel a connection to something. A favorite bag or a belt that is a good luck charm? The poor quality of fast fashion does not allow us to form these connections with objects. At the end of the day, by the time we have made the connection, the bag that is fast fashion will already begin to crumble.

Leather goods made from hand are able to be repaired over and over again and it is likely that you’ll keep the memory alive and transfer it to your grandchildren or children.

Renewed vigor for craftsmanship

The mass production of products that were designed by craftsmen is now beginning to fade out of fashion, and not just in the fashion business. The hand-crafted furniture of the past is getting more popular, and a lot of people are tuning into shows that feature craftsmen battling each other to see who’s the best, like the bladesmiths in Forged in Fire.

In general, there is a resurgence of interest as well as appreciation of the craft that is often lacking in the current leather products. As more attention is paid to the art of making, hand-made leather accessories and bags have returned to the center stage.

Americans are looking for American manufactured leather products

The tensions between the United States and its citizens get each year at a higher level and as they get worse, the more and more people are wishing to purchase American manufactured products. As fast fashion started to take off in the past twenty years, it was getting more and more simple for consumers to buy their favourites that were worn by famous people. People were so enthralled by the ease in that they could purchase bags to worry about whether they were helping themselves and their economy.

It’s changing now. Americans are beginning to realize the importance of supporting local companies and American produced products in all industries is the best method to help our economy.

Fast fashion is the foe of green initiatives worldwide.

The main issue with fast fashion is the amount of waste and pollution resulting from it. If you’re producing new products each month, you’re consuming lots of power from fossil fuels, and making use of more resources overall. Additionally the items made by fast fashion manufacturing aren’t durable and are usually discarded even before the products begin to wear out. All this contributes to waste from landfills that adds pressures on the environment.

With green initiatives being promoted all over the globe, with a particular focus on countries like the UK, Canada, the European Union, and now the US It is no surprise that sturdy leather items that can be used again and again are sought-after. Leather accessories and handbags made by hand will last for a long time provided they are properly maintained, which reduces the amount of waste. Because they are handcrafted, they don’t add to the stress on the environment that the manufacturing process creates.

Fast fashion puts more pressure on supply chains of retail

Another reason why fast fashion is gaining popularity is the fact that it puts huge stress on our supply chain. We’re having a lot of difficulty getting the products that we require to Americans who require them. It’s not sensible to add more stress to supply chains and shippers by pushing them to introduce new products on a regular basis.

If you return to purchasing high quality, heirloom leather products and high-end clothing made to last an extended period of time as well as reducing excessive fashion expenditure and production as it can greatly ease the stress in the supply chain, and shipping.

The most important lessons to take away

Although fast fashion has been popular for years and isn’t likely to go away overnight, there are a variety of reasons why people prefer authentic leather products to the throw-away fashions to which the majority of us have grown accustomed. In addition, your grandchildren or daughters will be delighted with the heirloom leather items they will be able to enjoy in adulthood.